Life to the Full

#31 SUMMER 2023 Communication: Why does it have to be so hard? (repost)

August 11, 2023 Dafydd Morse Season 2023 Episode 1

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This August brings something different to the podcast or rather something of the same to the podcast. As part of living life to the full, I like to take a month off to be with my family during August. This year, again, we are in France for the month. We’re doing two home exchanges so our accommodation costs are negligible. It means that we basically get to stay in someone’s home for free whilst someone stays in our home. If you want a bit of a rundown on how you can holiday for free then check out episode 21 of the podcast or you can search for Dafydd Morse on YouTube and I have a video there if you prefer that. Or listen to both!

Inspired by Paula Pant’s September sabbatical I’m putting out the most popular episodes and my favourite episodes from the archives just in case you are a new listener and haven’t gone back to the beginning or even just as a reminder of some of the good stuff from the past, which is worth reminding ourselves of. 

The first episode to revisit is an early episode, episode 11. It is by far and away my most popular episode. It speaks to a struggle we all have of how to speak so that people hear us. What we say is often not what the other person hears. 

So as you listen to this I would encourage you to consider how you can apply the musings I have to your life. And also if you're not able to take a month off in your life, start asking the question, what would my life have to look like so that I could just take a month off? What would I have to do to make it a reality? Let's go back to January 2021 when the world was a different place but the lessons are still the same. 

Head over to find me on Instagram @dafyddmorse and @lifetothefullpodcast and say hello!

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